2024/2025 Player Registration Is Now OPEN!
Please remember that registering early allows us time to organize ice times and find bench staff for all teams.
Registration CLOSES on September 30th - after which late fees will apply
Exact schedules are not set yet and are based on registrations and ice time needs
Pre Season Training Sessions will be available for an additional fee for U8-U14 divisions - more details to come!
U16/U19 sorting will start on September 22nd
All other divisions will start sorting and/or ice times after October 7th.
This year's registration fees are as follows:
U6 (FUN 1) born in 2019 and 2020
one session per week
U8 (FUN 2) born in 2017 and 2018
one session per week and participation in each Island Association Annual Jamboree (5)
U10 born 2015 and 2016
minimum 2 ice times per week 1 practice and one game (additional tournament play & fees)
U12 born 2013 and 2014
minimum 2 ice times per week 1 practice and one game (additional tournament play & fees)
U14 born 2011 and 2012
minimum 2 ice times per week 1 practice and one game (additional tournament play & fees)
U16/U19 born 2006-2010
minimum 2 ice times per week 1 practice and one game (additional tournament play & fees)
OPEN 18+ born 2006 or earlier
limited practices, games weekly
Click on the link below to register.
We are a member of Sport PEI and therefore are an approved organization under Kid Sport PEI. If you need financial assistance please visit their website for details and to apply.
The player will not be allowed on the ice or sorted onto a team until registration fees have been paid in full or we have received notification that funding has been applied for ie: kid sport
Once the online registration form is complete, you will receive a confirmation email with directions to complete the payment of registration fees.
PLAYERS ARE NOT REGISTERED UNTIL THE PAYMENT STEP IS COMPLETE a separate email will be sent to you to finish payment for registration.
Payment can be made by credit card or transfer and must be paid by Spetember 30th to avoid late fees.
Please include the player's name and age division in the memo field when completing the payment.
Players will not be assigned to a team until payment is received in full or proof that funding has been applied for.
End of Year Event
Eliyahu Wellness Center
Award ceremonies 1pm Coaches vrs Open 18+ team 2pm